Thursday, February 2, 2017

2016-10-16 Visit to Orcas Island

Yes, I know this is supposed to be about my boat trips, but it's my blog and I can put whatever I want on it.  In any case, this trip was sort of a boat trip since I had to take a Washington State ferry from Anacortes to Orcas Island in the San Juan Islands.

Here's a map snippet of Orcas Island:

It's not that far from Anacortes.  I think the ferry ride took about 45 minutes.

In one of my earlier blog posts I mentioned that I met Walt Corbin while he was stuck in Bar Harbor on his boat Untethered.  At that time I mentioned that I was going to be in the Seattle area in October, and he invited me to come visit him at his home on Orcas Island.

Orcas Island is pretty remote.
The biggest town is East Sound.
Walt's main house is in a remote part of the island, on about 60 acres of woodlands.
But he also has a smaller "cottage" near East Sound, and that's where I stayed for my 3 day visit.

Here's Walt offering me an apple from one of his many apple trees.
We took a tour of his acreage.
I think he remembers every one of the more than 3000 trees he planted on that property!

Walt has numerous deer that populate his property.
Since he has so many apple trees and he can't harvest all of the apples they produce there are many left on the ground.  The deer love them.

Here's Walt's main house and a couple of his out buildings.

The main house and car port

Garage and shop
Walt has a small lumber mill which he uses for his own purposes and also allows his friends and neighbors to use.

Notice that scary looking blade that runs horizontally.
I'm glad Walt still has all his fingers!

Walt drove me up a big mountain and we stopped at a look out.
Orcas Island is indeed a beautiful area and I certainly enjoyed my visit.

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