Thursday, February 2, 2017

2016-08-11 Fishing with Dennis Madson

Back in my "UsedTa-Job" I had a working relationship with Dennis Madson.
Dennis is an avid fisherman and he has joined me in the past for fishing adventures.
Since I have retired now it had been some time since I had heard from Dennis.
But he did contact me to ask if he and his son Taylor could come up and go fishing.
I'm always eager to go fishing, so of course I said yes.

We pulled out on a Thursday morning at about 8:30 AM in overcast but calm conditions.

We started trolling almost right away near Vallenor Point.

By noon we had a nice Chum and 2 Pinks on board.
Not terrific, but better than getting skunked.

During lunch we moved over to Camaano Point, an area I had not fished for some time.

We only got 1 Silver over there, and so around 3 PM we moved over to Tatoosh Rocks.

At Tatoosh we picked up another couple of Pinks.

By 5 PM we were trolling near Grant Island but got nothing there.

Around 6 PM we pulled gear and headed in to the Naha dock.

We cleaned the fish and had a good dinner.

Taylor shows off a nice Silver

Dennis and Taylor show off our day's catch

On Friday morning we pulled out and started trolling right away at Indian Point.
Nothing there, so we moved and made another brief stop at Grant Island before moving on once again.

The weather was nice so we bounced our way up through Clover Pass stopping at various places to try some trolling.  But it was slow going - no new fish.

We ended up out at South Vallenor Point, an area not normally fishable.
But today it was very calm, so we gave it a try.

We ended up getting 2 more Pinks in this area before trying some bottom fishing.
Bottom fishing only yielded a small Turbot, trash fish.

It was a beautiful, calm evening, so at least the weather was nice.

We pulled the gear a little before 7 PM and headed in.
We dropped the fish off at Cedars Lodge for processing, and then headed for the stall.

It was nice to get out and to reconnect with Dennis and Taylor, but it was a little disappointing to not get so many fish.  The last time they were here I think we got around 24 Silvers.

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