Friday, December 30, 2016

2016-07-11 Fishing with Dr Paul

One of the neat things about doing a trip like we did when we brought the boat back up from Seattle is that you meet people.  And the people you meet many times are people like you.  They enjoy the boating life style.

You can make new friends.

One of the new friends I made was retired doctor Paul Switlyk.
He was running along with the Waggoner Flotilla, and we were able to spend some time talking about boating and other things.
During those conversations it came up that he really wanted to do some salmon fishing.
So we developed a plan that when he came back through Ketchikan on his run back south we would link up and I would take him salmon fishing.

So that's what we did.

I had my grandson Bryan along for this trip as well.

We pulled out about 8:30 AM and went out towards Vallenor Point.

Got the trolling gear in the water and by noon we had 3 nice bright Pinks in the cooler.
We lost several as well.

Around noon we moved over to the Survey Point area and started trolling again.

It was a slow afternoon, yielding only 1 more Pink.

Back in the stall around 5 PM.

I can't believe I never took any pictures of special guest Paul.

This beautiful cruiser passed by us as we were trolling near Vallenor Point.
I am always interested in boats.
Sometimes I can look them up via Google and find out their background and history.
Not so on this one, though.

Bryan shows off our meager catch of the day.
This early in the season the Silvers aren't in yet, so we usually get Pinks.
Pinks are fine as long as they are bright and firm.
A little later in the season they may be a little slimy, and those we kick back in.

Bryan is pretty happy showing off this fish.

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