Monday, September 5, 2016

2016-06-06 Fishing with the grand kids

June 6, 2016

I apologize for not keeping up with the blog posts after returning home from Seattle.

I'll try my best to get caught up as quickly as I can.

We've made no real long trips since returning home, but just a lot of short trips, many of them one day fishing trips.

On this trip we had two grand sons, Tyler (11) and Bryan (9), and their step Dad, Devon.

It was essentially a half day fishing trip, since we didn't pull out of the harbor until about 11 AM.

We went south of town, to the Mountain Point, Cynthia Island area, and just ran two rods, even though there were 4 of us.

We hit one fish only, a smallish Silver, at about 1 PM, and then nothing at all after that.
Tyler kept saying, "We're in the salmon capital of the world, and we can't catch a salmon."
Some days are like that.

Then they all fell asleep.
Wish I'd snapped a picture of that!

Back in the stall at about 6:45 PM.

Tyler, Bryan, and Devon

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