Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Seattle to Ketchikan Day 10

Friday May 13

Today was the day we left Victoria.
It was a beautiful calm sunny day.

Here are 2 map snippets that show the intended route for the day.

Southern portion of route

Northern portion of route

The route for this day was short, only about 30 nm.

This post will not be very interesting because for whatever reason I took no pictures at our destination, Poets Cove Marina in Bedwell Harbour.

Below is a link to their website.

Poets Cove Marina, Bedwell Harbour

It was a nice place to stay for a night.
We had a dicey landing into the slip due to strong gusty winds, and if it weren't for the heroic efforts of the young man from the marina we might well have incurred some damage to the boat.

When I was planning this voyage I had initially penciled in a different location for this night's stop.  Then I realized that my intended location (Stuart Island) was inside US waters, and that we would have to clear out of Canada and into the US for one night, and then clear back into Canada the very next day.  So I chose a different destination and carefully planned the route so that we skirted right beside the boundary line but never actually crossed back into US waters.

We departed Victoria at 9:45 AM and arrived in Poets Cove Marina at about 3 PM.

Distance covered thus far was 157 nm.

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